5 Tips If You’ve Been Injured
We hope these 5 tips will help you through your difficult experience.
If you’ve been injured in an accident, Bellingham Personal Injury Attorney, Tom Mumford, has 5 tips for you. Whether you have been involved in a car accident, bicycle accident, pedestrian accident, hit by a drunk driver, brain injury, railroad injury, or your injury involves a possible legal claim, you are probably worried about how to protect your rights while recovering from your injuries. Dealing with the legal aspects of the claim can be stressful, and mistakes early in the process can have serious consequences for claim resolution.
1. Focus on Healing
Your most important job is to get better.
Get all the medical care you need to heal from your injuries. Coordinate your care through your family doctor and follow up on all referrals for physical therapy, massage and/or chiropractic care.
Report you symptoms accurately to your health care providers and follow their treatment recommendations. Make sure all work lost is authorized by your doctor.

2. Use Caution in Dealing with Insurance Companies
Statements you make to the opposing insurance adjuster may later be used against you.
You should limit your communication to what is necessary to open a claim. They are not on your side. Do not sign anything unless you understand the legal implications of signing. We do not recommend giving a recorded statement. In fact, you are not obligated to talk to the opposing party at all.
3. Document Everything
Take photos of injuries and property damage. Keep a log of lost wages. Write down any out of pocket expenses you incur. Write down names and numbers of witnesses. Keep all paperwork in a safe place.
4. Educate Yourself About Your Rights
If you are injured because of the fault of another person, you have the right to be “made whole”. You may recover monetary damages for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering and other harms. However, you will have to prove that your damages were related to the incident.
5. Consult a Personal Injury Attorney
Most personal injury lawyers offer free consultations with no obligation. You can learn a lot about the claim process and discuss the pros and cons of being represented by an attorney. Call us at (360) 752-1500 to set up a free consultation with Tom.