Having a lawyer on my side has meant so much to me. Tom has been wonderful to work with. I don’t think I could have gone to a better place.
Mr. Mumford is as professional as can be. He knew his business and his way with the law. He was very careful to explain the parameters of the case, with supporting evidence being a key item. Heresay rarely counts. He is VERY good at getting you to “see” what you are actually facing, rather than allowing you to see what you “think” you are facing. I would retain him again in an instant.
Following my May, 2011 car accident, I was injured very badly. I got nowhere with the insurance companies, but did not want to hire an attorney, I thought I could handle it. I could not. They ended up calling my house at least twice a day, wanting taped interviews, trying to trick me and putting words in my mouth about the accident. It was especially disappointing to discover that the lady that rear-ended me had minimal insurance and it was clear that I was going to need surgery on my spine as well as lengthy future care. My OWN insurance company (with whom I had underinsured motorists) did not want to honor the full policy. I hired Tom and I’ll NEVER regret the decision I made. Tom Mumford handled the other partie’s insurance company with the utmost of care and skilled negotiating tactics, especially for my situation. I had a very special one, I have cancer. He honored my request to try and settle this without going to court. For me, going to depositions and court would be devestating because I was so sick. Not only did Tom handle problems inside the scope of the accident, but also helped me by handling things that came up from the accident that were not required of him. I did not have to ask, ever…he volunteered. Tom successfully got the insurance company from the other side to pay out maximum policy limits to me.Following this, he went for my “underinsured motorist” on my own policy. It was a substantial policy and I needed it badly for spinal surgery, future care, etc. My own company offered half. Tom successfully put the case together, sent off the package to my insurance company, making a final demand for the monies. SIX DAYS LATER I had an answer. They paid the policy limit in full. Tom and his team (office staff) had put everything together under Tom’s direction, in such a professional way that the insurance company had NO CHOICE but to PAY OUT POLICY LIMITS IN FULL. No more worrying for me.
I can’t say enough about Tom. If you are “on the fence” about hiring an attorney, I can’t say enough good things about Tom and his law firm.
Most important to me, is communication. If a lawyer won’t call you back, if you can’t talk and I mean REALLY TALK to your lawyer, there is no case. I could depend on Tom for anything and everything on this case and more. Tom NEVER ignored my calls, always took them if he was in, always responded to my emails, every time. We sat down in his office and talked about everything in this case. I was never rushed, never felt like just a number. Tom answered all my questions and took the fear out of dealing with the aftermath of a car accident.
I HIGHLY recommend Tom and his office staff. The BEST OF THE BEST. Such a hard worker, stopping at nothing to get the job done, to get the highest settlement possible for you on everything. He listens and never ever was I rushed in any way. He personalized every phone call, every visit and I felt like I was part of the team on my own lawsuit.
Tom went out of his way to keep me informed by calling me every time he spoke to anyone about this lawsuit and had any news at all.
TOM MUMFORD IS A GEM OF A LAWYER and if I ever need a lawyer again, I don’t even have to think about going to anyone other than Tom Mumford.
In late September 2006, I was a passenger in a friend’s car. We slid into a ditch. During the accident, my right arm was crushed between the car and the ground. I spent over 5 weeks at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. I had 13 surgeries and some lesser procedures. Though we tried to save my arm, I ultimately received a shoulder disarticulation (meaning an arm amputation at the shoulder joint).I was lucky in many ways. First and foremost, my friend (the driver of the vehicle) saved my life that night. I have a wonderful group of family and friends to support me. I had a medical insurance plan through Aetna to cover the hospital costs. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protected my job, to which I have returned. My boss assured me that I was hired for my brain, not my typing skills. And my friend (the driver) had a personal liability policy.
Once I was released from Harborview and on the road to recovery, things seemed very logical. My State Farm auto insurance had covered a portion of the initial costs until that ceiling was reached, then Aetna covered the rest. Both were seeking reimbursement from the driver’s Pemco liability policy. Pemco had stepped up and offered to pay the maximum benefit of their policy. Nobody was arguing about anything.
Then I became concerned that I was the only party that wasn’t represented by a lawyer. Under the advice from my family, I sought the assistance of Mr. Mumford. He offered to help. In what I consider a very short period of time, he reported the following accomplishments:
State Farm withdrew their reimbursement requirement.
State Farm paid the maximum on the Underinsured Motorist coverage of my policy (which I didn’t even know that I had).
Aetna withdrew their reimbursement requirement.
All this was accomplished by Tom Mumford and his diligent staff (headed by Heidi Main) at what I can only term as a very modest fee. There were no surprises beyond how fast he got things accomplished. I consider him an asset to myself, my family, and his profession.
Tom and his entire support staff delivered expert, personalized, and compassionate service throughout the months we worked together to resolve both injury and property disputes following my auto accident. Their empathy made an emotional situation more tolerable. They obviously were sincere in their care for both myself and my family.
Mr. Mumford has been Decagon Devices, Inc’s General Counsel for 8 years and I have worked directly with him for the last 6. He has always been professional, knowledgeable, prompt, and reliable on every issue we have worked with him on. He has handled corporate, employment, contract, and financial legal issues for us with a high degree of competence and integrity. He does not hesitate to facilitate the use of other attorneys if he feels we are better served with a more in depth knowledge base on a specific matter. Many times we have relied on his expertise in sensitive situations and would not hesitate to recommend his services.